Thursday 21 November 2019


Conservative Transport Secretary Grant Shapps says there'll be a review of the proposed £3.5bn Oxford-Cambridge expressway, if he gets back to the job after the election.

 “I am not at all anti-roads and we have got a massive road investment project. I am just not satisfied that this scheme is going to provide the benefits that we first thought. Specifically, a lot of it is on flat land which is prone to flooding so the mitigation measures to protect against that will massively add to the cost of the project. I am disappointed with the speed of progress of east-west rail and I think it is by far the better solution to boost the Oxford-Cambridge-Milton Keynes link-up.”

Anyone else know of roods planned for areas prone to flooding ?

1 comment:

  1. Yep, it’s Bob the Builder, aka Highways England, currently plotting vigorously (away from public gaze) to be allowed to concrete over a large swathe of flood prone East Sussex to scar the countryside between Lewes and Polgate with an off line A27 super highway.
